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IPG to Distribute Digital Audiobooks!

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June is Audiobook Month! To celebrate, IPG is pleased to announce that we now distribute audiobooks into the Trade, Library, and School markets. Over the past 6 months, we have been reaching out to the audiobook market to create relationships, and we’d like to introduce you to those new partnerships!


Findaway Findaway is a global leader in digital content delivery. With the invention of Playaway Preloaded Products, they transformed the way that audiobooks, eBooks, videos and learning tools are circulated in 40,000 libraries, schools, and military installations. To learn more about Findaway, visit Through Findaway, your audiobooks will be available on these platforms: Nook Audiobooks, MyAudiobooklibrary, Bitlit, Scribd, TuneIn, Playster, 24Symbols, Baker & Taylor, 3M/Bibliotheca, EBSCO, TRL, 3 Leaf Group, Odilo, Follett, Mackin, and Permabound. findaway


ACX  ACX is brought to you by, an, Inc. subsidiary, and a leading provider of premium digital spoken audio information and entertainment. ACX reflects Audible’s deep commitment to producing well-told stories and delivering those stories to as many listeners as possible. ACX is Audible’s way of creating meaningful opportunities for authors, narrators, other studio professionals, and publishers. ACX shares Audible’s distribution channels. Audible is the exclusive provider of spoken-word audio products for Apple’s iTunes Store. The audiobooks uploaded through ACX get distributed via Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. acx is your independent store for digital audiobooks. is based in Seattle, WA, and offers tens of thousands of DRM-free digital audiobooks, available for download and through its free apps. It partners with independent bookstores to create co-branded digital audiobook storefronts. Want to test drive the experience and listen to a great book? Go to and enter “ipg25” at checkout to get 25% of all books. Read more about in Shelf Awareness! libro


In addition to new partnerships, we have addendums with existing digital vendors to sell audiobooks direct to their platform. Some of these include OverDrive, Gardners, and Bolinda – with more on the way! Check out IPG’s full list of digital ebook and audio vendors here.

Production Opportunities
Audiobooks have seen tremendous growth over the last five years, both in sales and volume. In the past, selling the audiobook rights for your book was the more fiscally sound choice, due to the expensive productions costs. With the growth in the marketplace, and lower production costs, it now might make more sense to keep the rights and produce the audiobook yourself.

DBW has a great article about the Audiobook market, written by the Executive Director of the Audio Publishers Association, Michele Cobb – check it out here.

If you are interested in producing audiobooks for your content, contact Mallori Bontrager ([email protected]). She can provide you with base rates, and match you with the right production company.

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