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Specific Services for Publishers


IPG has an in-house publicity department that offers consultation to all IPG-distributed publishers in regard to press releases, media lists, publicity-campaign strategies for particular titles, media-submission guidelines and deadlines, author tours, and much more. 

The IPG publicity staff can also provide, for a very reasonable fee, full media campaigns including print, online, radio, and TV publicity. Many IPG client publishers use IPG’s publicity services on a cafeteria basis, requesting, for instance, only media lists or press releases. Services of any kind are offered only when the staff is confident that the results will justify the cost.

Consultation and support offered by the Publicity Department at no charge to publishers include:

  • A seasonal catalog mailing to the media, including cover letter and review copy request form
  • Recommending freelance publicists and reviewing their proposed contracts for cost-effectiveness, legitimacy, and feasibility.
  • Fielding media phone calls and directing them to publishers as needed.
  • Sharing key publicity opportunities and deadlines for industry publications.
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