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Sales Channels

Independent Booksellers

Independent book retailers are sold to by IPG’s sales reps. These reps have strong relationships, built over many years, with the booksellers on whom they call, and their recommendations as to appropriate titles and quantities are given careful consideration.

The sales department generates sales to independent bookstores by:

  • Coordinating publishers' publicity efforts with the sales reps and their accounts
  • Developing sales promotions and sales strategy to generate direct sales to independent bookstores
  • Compiling and sending e-mail notifications of national and regional publicity hits
  • Confirming author events with sales reps and ensuring that books are ordered for signings
  • Providing sales materials to each rep to adequately sell in title[s] whether a galley, a sample chapter, a finished book, or a tip sheet—to supplement the catalog
  • Advising publishers on book-packaging, including cover designs, pricing, and titles
  • Working with publishers to present at our biannual sales conference
  • Putting together targeted bookstore lists for publishers trying to organize book launches or other special events
  • Advising publishers on co-op opportunities
Special Sales and The Gift Market
Mass Merchandisers