New title information—title, author and author bio, book specifications, price, etc.—is vetted by IPG, in cooperation with publishers, to produce a clearly focused image of each title to support the salespeople in their presentations to booksellers and their other customers.
This title data is used to generate our seasonal catalogs and becomes part of IPG’s massive online catalog, which is sent once a week, as an ONIX feed, to all major customers. The ability to provide full and accurate electronic title information allows IPG to fully participate in the modern supply chain management techniques employed by chain stores, national wholesalers, and big-box retailers.
Distribution Programs › IPG operates six different distribution programs to meet the particular needs of publishers and market segments. |
Sales Channels › IPG has more sales channels than any other distributor. |
Marketing Services › IPG's dedicated marketing team offers many services aimed at advancing the visibility of their publisher clients' brands and titles. |
Digital Services › Since 2001 IPG has provided e-book conversion, consolidation, storage, and distribution, and very favorable rates for POD printing. |
Specific Services for Publishers › Pre-pub consultation, sales meetings and shows, access to Bookscan, Publicity and PR, advertising opportunities, and much more. |
Operations › State-of-the-art software and Distribution Center facilities; 24-hour turn time on orders. |