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The 7 Life Miracles
The 7 Life Miracles

The 7 Life Miracles

Conquer any goal and overcome any obstacle to unlock your dream life


160 Pages, 6.38 x 9.28

Formats: Cloth, EPUB

Cloth, $19.99 (US $19.99) (CA $26.99)

Publication Date: February 2014

ISBN 9780989452922

Rights: WOR

Changing Lives Press (Feb 2014)


eBook Editions Available

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Julie Wilkes, author of The 7 Life Miracles, is herself a miracle. Born with a heart compared by doctors to Swiss cheese, her mother was told to hold her and love her because she might only live for minutes. Minutes grew to hours, then days, weeks, months, and now years. Julie attributes this miracle in her life to seven miracles. She feels she was given life to share these miracles with others-so that they can experience miracles in their own lives. The uniqueness of these miracles is that they are already in place in all of our lives-we just need to unlock them. Ms. Wilkes#&39; describes her own struggles with challenges along her LifeMap. She states, When you were born, a roadmap—your LifeMap—was placed in your imaginary back pocket. It remains there for your entire life. It is there to remind you of the journey you are on, to help you learn and grow as your soul intended.

Author Biography

Julie Wilkes has a Master#&39;s Degree in Exercise Physiology from The Ohio State University, and a Bachelor#&39;s Degree in International Business from Marietta College. She is a Master Fitness Trainer/Instructor through ACE and Fitour and presents workshops, lectures and certifications on a regular basis. She is the regional Master Instructor for Life Time Fitness and a 5 Star Presenter. Julie also has several yoga, pilates, group fitness and cycling certifications.