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Healing without Hurting
Healing without Hurting

Healing without Hurting

Treating ADHD, Apraxia and Autism Spectrum Disorders Naturally and Effectively without Harmful Medications


403 Pages, 6.3 x 9.1

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $27.99 (US $27.99) (CA $36.95)

Publication Date: September 2018

ISBN 9780989452984

Rights: WOR

Changing Lives Press (Sep 2018)

Price: $27.99


Jennifer Kozek is a therapist who practices in Connecticut, and is also the mother of a son with Autism Spectrum disorders. After treating Evan bio-medically, along with other healing practices, Jennifer witnessed the kind of improvements that every parent of a similarly diagnosed child dreams of: Evan no longer grunts and screams, throws toys, hits others, or has mood swings. He no longer throws himself into fits of uncontrollable rage,  listens to his teachers & responds appropriately. He copes better with changes in routine & makes eye contact more often. He no longer enters into a trance-like state and the list goes on. Evan is now a happy, well-adjusted, 7 year-old.  It is the author's mission to reach  the millions of parents who struggle to find healthier and more natural ways to treat their children's nuanced disorders. Healing without Hurting, includes a full menu of natural treatment options, including:

  •  A real world success story. 
  • Specific points highlighted in boxes.
  • Tips that highlight the main ideas of each chapter.
  • Simple recipes and healthy alternatives.  

Readers will learn how to: 

  • Identify common labels of behaviors.
  • Recognize the early warning signs that an autoimmune disorder is brewing.
  • Identify the different medications; potential benefits and side-effects.
  • Find the right doctors and practitioners.
  • Identify food sensitivities and other autoimmune assaults.
  • Test for nutritional deficiencies and causes for malabsorption.
  • Heal the intestinal system.
  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Look for and treat the other underlying issues, e.g. sleep problems.
  • Shop for the best vitamin supplements on the market.
  • Recognize food additives to avoid.
  • Avoid toxins in their environment.
  • Wash away toxins from the body.
  • Incorporate other effective healing treatments and modalities.
  • Have the healthiest pregnancy possible to reduce the risk of ADHD and autism.
  • Instill healthy eating and other practices for their family.
  • The Author would like to help shift current medical and society practices.


"Last year, I had the honor of reviewing Marcia Hind’s book, I know You’re in There.  Since then, Marcia and I have talked frequently on Facebook.  We share a common bond that most of us autism moms share.  It’s easy to find that support in one another when you are living similar journeys.  One day, while talking with Marcia, she recommended I review another book.  Ironically, the book she recommended, Healing Without Hurting, by Jennifer Giustra-Kozek, LPC, NNC, was already on my Amazon order.
Jennifer’s book is about treating ADHD, autism, apraxia, and the like using a natural approach versus medication.  Jennifer is a psychotherapist who wrote her book based on years of experience treating patients with ADD, ADHD, autism, OCD and other diagnoses, in addition to the journey of her own son Evan, born in 2006.
As a psychotherapist, Jennifer has firsthand knowledge that she shares with us of the negative effects that medications can have on some children.  Because of those negative effects, she wanted to explore all other available option for both her patients and her own child.  Thus began her journey to find healing without hurting.
The first three chapters of the book recount Evan’s birth and the five and a half weeks he spent in the NICU as a preemie.  Jennifer writes poignantly about the many illnesses Evan had as a baby.  As I read through those pages, I thought of our TMR red flag blog series.  Evan had red flag after red flag, including chronic ear infections, bronchitis, sinus infections, fungal infections and sleep issues.  In addition to the medical red flags, Jennifer writes about the behavioral red flags that also began popping up.  Like so many of us, she worried about her child and wondered what could possibly be going on with her son.
Chapters 4 and 5 detail Jennifer and Evan’s journey to diagnosis: moderate to severe apraxia, pervasive development disorder, ADHD and sensory processing disorder.  It also discusses the many co-morbid conditions that frequently accompany the neurological diagnoses.
Chapter 6 outlines commonly used medications. As a psychotherapist, Jennifer has been working with clients on stimulant drugs for approximately 15 years now. However, when Evan received his diagnosis, she found herself in a professional/personal struggle. All that she had encountered in her professional world, told her that ‘non-medicated’ children faced additional risks if their needs were not addressed. The mother in her struggled with what she had been taught professionally. She did not want to medicate Evan. Her maternal instincts kicked in, and she was determined to listen to them, alternatively finding other treatment for Evan, all the while feeling that although medication may be necessary down the road, she needed to exhaust more natural options for treatment first. Within this chapter, she discusses a number of frequently prescribed medications and what these medications are intended to do when prescribed to treat ADD, ADHD, aggression, anxiety, OCD, etc. She includes information on MedWatch which was created by the FDA to alert consumers of potential side effects of medication.
Chapter 7 describes the road to alternative treatments.  Many of us have chosen this road.  Understandably, many of us want to exhaust all other possible avenues before having to put our five-year-olds on medication for sleep issues and/or aggressive behaviors – often ‘for life.’  Jennifer’s book discusses other possibilities.
Chapter 8 explores possible genetic mutations that may be underlying our children’s conditions and explains to find out if your child has one or MTHFR gene mutations.  Healthy gut flora, vaccines, excessive ultrasounds, viruses and bacterial infections are all disc

"At 4 ½ years old, my sweet and loving son Evan was diagnosed with ADHD, Apraxia and high functioning autism – Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). Although mostly happy, he started displaying episodes of anger and become anxious and obsessive/compulsive (OCD). He began fixating on many things and lost the ability to sleep soundly.
I often felt hopeless and frustrated with the progress of his recovery during our intense therapy sessions and I knew from experience as a licensed psychotherapist that medication would be introduced as the only other viable treatment option.
I recognized that medication may provide immediate relief, but because I am a psychotherapist also knew that these medications can cause many problems and come with numerous side effects. In some cases they even cause increased anger, depression, fogginess, anxiety, numbness, seizures, tics, paranoia and even psychosis.
I witnessed many of these effects on the children I saw for therapy. Some moms came back to tell me that it turned their child into someone they did not recognize. However, I never really questioned the authority of the medical professionals.
#&39;Who was I to question a doctor that had many more years of experience and schooling to back their theories?#&39; I thought...
As life would have it, all the training and education I received in graduate school and by prestigious psychiatrists about the benefits of medication would be challenged when I had my own child with similar symptoms.
I have discovered that although well intentioned, many mainstream doctors are too quick to prescribe medication to cover up symptoms without digging deeper to find the underlying causes and numerous nutritional deficiencies plaguing our kids.
Our children become out of balance (biochemically). Their immune systems go haywire and their guts become inflamed due to food intolerances, processed foods, food dyes, chemicals, GMOs, yeast, etc. This often can cause inflammation in the brain and nutritional deficiencies – leading to frequent illness (chronic ear infections, illness, bronchitis & asthma) and ultimately neurological dysfunction.
I discovered that we have more neurons lining our intestinal wall than we have in our brain and spinal cord combined. The gut and brain have a very intimate relationship. So, when the gut isn’t happy, neither is the brain. I have also uncovered a few gene mutations preventing the proper utilization and metabolic functioning of essential nutrients necessary for proper brain functioning. These disorders are often linked to constipation, food allergies & sensitivities, heavy metal build-up, adrenal fatigue, thyroid problems and hypoglycemia.
I was extremely skeptical at first.
However, as I started doing a tremendous amount of research, I became to uncover the root causes of these disorders. I started addressing Evan’s gut issues with the help of an awesome naturopath and other functional medicine doctors and began healing him from a deeper level.
We started by healing his gut wall and eliminating all of his offending foods and reducing inflammation and gut permeability so that the nutrients he was eating and the supplements we were giving him would get absorbed properly.
We continued treating Evan with nutrition and biomedical methods. We starting taking advantage of the many Eastern Medicine therapies and treatments such as acupuncture, and energy healing, as well. I discovered that over the course of treatment Evan started improving exponentially in all areas of development, including, emotionally, socially, physically and academically.
I highly recommend that this ‘avenue of healing’ be explored if your child suffers from ADD/ADHD, PDD, Asperger’s, Allergies, Apraxia or Autism.

Author Biography

Jennifer Kozek has a Master#&39;s Degree in Community Counseling, and a Bachelor#&39;s Degree in English/Criminal Justice from Western Connecticut State University. She is an accomplished licensed psychotherapist in private practice. She has over 15 years of clinical experience treating clients with an array of health disorders including Asperger#&39;s, depression, anxiety, OCD and ADHD.