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Cultural Transformations After Communism
Cultural Transformations After Communism

Cultural Transformations After Communism

Central and Eastern Europe in Focus


336 Pages, 5.75 x 8.5

Formats: Cloth, EPUB, PDF, Mobipocket

Cloth, $54.95 (US $54.95) (CA $59.95)

Publication Date: August 2011

ISBN 9789185509591

Rights: US, CA, AU, NZ, SAM & CN

Nordic Academic Press (Aug 2011)


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Focusing on the profound transformation in Central and Eastern Europe since the fall of the Iron Curtain, this record analyzes complex cultural dimensions, such as lifestyles, habits, value markers, and identity. Written by a group of experts, it presents case studies from the former communist countries that are members of the European Union today and attempts to answer crucial questions about the constructions of a new identity in the region: Have the processes of democratization and opening the borders produced mentality changes and new value systems? Is there a convergence of values and cultures between the new and old EU-members? Have there been backlashes in the processes of reconstructing national identities? This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in European integration, issues of national identity, and the politics and culture of the post-Communist countries.

Author Biography

Barbara Törnquist-Plewa is a professor of Eastern and Central European studies and the director of the Center for European Studies at Lund University. Krzysztof Stala is an associate professor and the head of Polish studies at the University of Copenhagen.