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IPG Attends Digital Book World 2019

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Digital Book World (DBW) had another successful year this September 10-12 in Nashville, TN.

With over 60 conference sessions and workshops, mainstage presentations and chats with publishing technology experts and more, DBW is the publishing industry’s most influential digital conference.

Rachel Townsend, Marketing Associate at IPG, had the opportunity to attend DBW for the first time this year. Below, she shares her unique experience at the show.


RT: At DBW 2019, I learned how publishing continues to adapt and focus on opportunities in the digital space. One of the most exciting features of the show was hearing from a wide range of speakers, including experts in voice technology and artificial intelligence.

Since this was my first year attending, it was a great opportunity to network and meet IPG clients in person.

Next year, it would be helpful if more book distributors and publishers attended and presented, rather than leaders in the industry and marketplace. However, the specific breakout sessions focused on marketing have helped inform my job responsibilities at IPG and sparked new ideas that can be utilized in my department.

Overall, Digital Book World was an amazing learning experience that expanded my industry knowledge and advanced my career in publishing.

Digital Book World 2020 will be happening September 14-17 in Nashville Tennessee. For more information, please visit the Digital Book World website.

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