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Los veinticinco gatos mixtecos
Los veinticinco gatos mixtecos

Los veinticinco gatos mixtecos


32 Pages, 11 x 8.5

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $17.95 (US $17.95) (CA $22.95)

Publication Date: January 1997

ISBN 9781889910000

Rights: US & CA

Tortuga Press (Jan 1997)

Price: $17.95


Set in an indigenous Mixtec village in the artist’s own Oaxaca, Mexico, the story involves an evil healer, a good healer and his extraordinary feline pets. Though some people fear the cats will eat everything in sight—and maybe even set fire to fields—the animals soon prove their worth and win their way into the villagers’ hearts.[Partial description in Spanish: Un curandero regresa del mercado provisto de una camada de gatitos. Pronto los animales se ganan el corazón de todos.]


"An excellent addition to any library!" —ALA Booklist

"Witty and complex illustrations."  —New York Times Book Review

"100 Children’s Titles for Reading and Sharing" —New York Public Library

Author Biography

Matthew Gollub is a nationally known children’s author, speaker and performer. He has created 18 picture books which together have garnered 25 national awards and distinctions. His musical narrations on audio CDs accompany some of his most popular books including The Jazz Fly and Jazz Fly 2: The Jungle Pachanga. A dynamic drummer and bilingual presenter, he has also performed at over 1,000 elementary schools nationwide, inspiring students and families to read for fun. He lives with his family in Santa Rosa, CA.


100 Children’s Titles for Reading and Sharing—New York Public Library
Artwork honored by the Society of Illustrators in New York
Paintings and text displayed in Art Institute of Chicago and over 40 museums nationwide
Film Advisory Board Award for Excellence

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