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You Will (Probably) Survive
You Will (Probably) Survive

You Will (Probably) Survive

And Other Things They Don't Tell You About Motherhood


376 Pages, 6 x 9.25

Formats: EPUB, Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $22.95 (US $22.95) (CA $30.95)

Publication Date: July 2019

ISBN 9781760875473

Rights: US & CA

Allen & Unwin (Jul 2019)


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"Articulate and hilarious. This is my all-time favourite go-to reference for every mother." —Chezzi Denyer "Lauren Dubois' entertaining musings on parenting have saved me from the 'brink' multiple times. A must-read for the modern-day mother who adores her children—but is happy to acknowledge the journey can be equal parts heaven and hell!" —Erin Molan You walk out of the maternity ward with your new baby, looking back over your shoulder, waiting for someone to stop you and tell you you're not qualified to do this. But they don't. They just wave you on your merry way and that's it. It's up to you now. Suddenly you're a mum. Suddenly you're crying at sad news stories, you're picturing all the horrible things that could happen to your baby when you walk down the street, you're plotting your partner's death over and over again. You're wondering why no one told you it would be this hard. Something's changed in you, but you're trying to figure out what it is and if anyone else feels the same. This book is NOT a parenting manual. You don't need anyone else telling you what to do with your child. What you need is someone who'll explain what the actual fallopian is happening to you. What exactly IS motherhood? So here it is: the complete, honest, uncomfortable, and glorious story of motherhood. From the science fiction weirdness of pregnancy, to the sleep torture inflicted by babies, to the crapshow that is negotiating with your megalomaniacal toddler—and all the magic that makes it worth it. These are the things no one told you about motherhood. The joyous, the maddening, and the hilarious.

Author Biography

Lauren DuBois is a former political journalist who worked in TV and radio in the federal Press Gallery before taking a break to have her children. Having dealt with tantrums, meltdowns and hissy fits from the people who run our country, Lauren thought dealing with one tiny baby would be a breeze. She was wrong. As she struggled to find her way in this new, isolating and confidence-crushing world, Lauren started to write: and people started to read. Her award-winning blog, The Thud, shares her sometimes raw, often hilarious, occasionally foul-mouthed observations of surviving motherhood, warts and all.