Walking together in faith and solidarity - What does it mean to go on pilgrimage? And further: what does it mean for Christians around the world to understand their discipleship in terms of pilgrimage in God's realm of justice and peace? This engaging and inspiring volume, developed by the Theological Study Group of the World Council of Church's Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace, takes stock of the spiritual, social, and theological meanings of this global ecumenical initiative and its relevance to different regional, confessional, and generational contexts. The thirteen contributions are enlivened by personal stories of the authors and perspectives of the traditions they represent, and the volume offers constructive ways in which Christians can renew their notion of what it means to be authentically church today. "Our journey of faith is personal yet never fully private. In fact, our relationship with God draws us ever closer to those around us, learning from and accountable to those in need and those who live at the margins. This volume shows us what it means to live as pilgrims journeying on toward justice, and what it means to see not just ourselves but also our faith communities and our whole life together in this way." - Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, from the Foreword Susan Durber is a minister of the United Reformed Church in the UK and Moderator of the WCC Commission on Faith and Order. Her publications include Preaching like a Woman (SPCK, 2007) and Surprised by Grace: Parables and Prayers (URC, 2013). Fernando Enns is an ordained minister from the Mennonite Church, Germany, and Professor of Peace Theology and Ethics at the Free University of Amsterdam. He also directs the Institute for Peace Church Theology at Hamburg University, Germany, and serves on the central committee of the WCC. Among his related publications is Just Peace: Ecumenical, Intercultural, and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Pickwick, 2013).