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Uncommon Girls
Uncommon Girls

Uncommon Girls


260 Pages, 6 x 9

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $17.95 (CA $22.95) (US $17.95)

Publication Date: November 2018

ISBN 9781945805714

Rights: WOR

Bedazzled Ink Publishing (Nov 2018)

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An examination of the struggle trans children and their families face as they work to secure rights for themselves and for future generations

It is increasingly evident that Eliot is not only autistic, but is also an uncommon girl. Eliot's mother, Carla, recounts their journey down an unfamiliar path riddled with dismissive medical consultations and mental health referrals to clinics with epic waiting lists. Eliot transitions to Ella, with ambitions of being a trophy wife. Her parents attempt to set limits but Ella, in a typically teenage way, resists anything she deems as trying to squelch her true feminine self. Ella is "outed" repeatedly by teachers she trusted and stops attending school. Carla's rage morphs into a motivating sense of injustice and she engages in a successful campaign for her child's civil rights. Carla and Ella are not superheroes, they are just a couple of uncommon girls determined to leave a bumpy road a little smoother for the next travelers.

Author Biography

Carla Grant is a non-compliant pharmacist, exceptional post-secondary educator, author, photographer, and overachieving mother. She has had lifelong struggles with mental health and addictions and is a testament of living recovery. Carla was born and raised in Canada.