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Treasures of the Royal British Columbia Museum and Archives (Mandarin edition)
Treasures of the Royal British Columbia Museum and Archives (Mandarin edition)

Treasures of the Royal British Columbia Museum and Archives (Mandarin edition)


144 Pages, 9.49 x 11.26

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $24.95 (US $24.95)

Publication Date: June 2015

ISBN 9780772669360

Rights: WOR X CA

Royal British Columbia Museum (Jun 2015)
The Royal British Columbia Museum

Price: $24.95


There’s so much more to discover behind the world-famous exhibitions on display at the Royal BC Museum and Archives. The collections housed in the museum and archives include millions of plant and animal specimens, and great numbers of historical and archaeological artifacts, photographs, films, audio recordings and fine art.

Author Biography

Jack Lohman is chief executive officer of the Royal BC Museum and Archives, professor in Museum Design and Communications at the Bergen National Academy of the Arts in Norway and editor-in-chief of unesco’s publication series Museums and Diversity. His most recent book is Museums at the Crossroads? (RBCM 2013).