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The Savion Sequence
The Savion Sequence

The Savion Sequence


248 Pages, 6 x 9

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $9.95 (US $9.95) (CA $10.95)

Publication Date: January 2011

ISBN 9780974814278

Rights: US & CA

Brand Nu Words (Jan 2011)

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A novel of signs and symbols, coveted knowledge and ancient truths, and one man’s ultimate quest to uncover mankind’s hidden legacy, this story follows troubled historian Brigham Elijah back through his own childhood experiences and the metaphysical secrets they contain. Following his unwitting past of discovery, he returns to North Carolina after the gruesome murder of his uncle and mentor, where he is challenged by the professor’s bizarre death, the coded messages he left behind, and the powerful society of men vested with protecting an age-old secret. Brigham will find that beneath the endless sands of the Sahara lies this secret of epic proportions—one that if uncovered would shatter mankind’s current perceptions of the past and all that is possible in the future.


“A masterful blend of mystery and metaphysics, spirituality and social commentary, and is as enlightening as it is engaging.”  —Anthony T. Browder, author, Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization

Author Biography

D. Amari Jackson is an award-winning journalist, a ghostwriter, and the recipient of regional and national writing fellowships. He lives in Atlanta.