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The Leech
The Leech

The Leech

An Indictment of the Evil Sapping America, Depleting Free Enterprise, and Bleeding Producers


512 Pages, 6 x 9

Cloth, $29.95 (CA $39.95) (US $29.95)

Publication Date: January 2022

ISBN 9781645720287

Rights: WOR

Republic Book Publishers (Jan 2022)

Not Yet Published. Estimated release date: January 2022


The Leech: An Indictment of the Evil Sapping America, Depleting Free Enterprise, and Bleeding Producers strikes a blow in defense of the 'doers' to inspire awareness. Western society was built by the Creator, optimized by the Enabler, and refined by the Server. These three professional classes are the best society has to offer, and without them quality of life instantly degrades. America was designed to allow these classes to freely toil, achieve, and grow. Government was minimized and existed to serve the people. The American system of meritocracy created, grew, and sustained the middle class. Today the situation has changed for the worst, with America teetering upon a tipping point. The Leech, a class that exists solely to appropriate and consume the fruits of others' labor, has grown across every segment of the economy and society. As the Leech grows, the Creator, Enabler, and Server suffer. Successful culmination of the Leech campaign results in the destruction of the middle class, control resting with the 'haves' of the entrenched Leech elite, and the rest of society becoming indentured 'have-nots,' who are perpetually dependent on an unsustainable system.

Author Biography

Nick DeIuliis is a chemical engineer, attorney, and business executive. During a career spanning 30 years, he served as the CEO or Chairman of the Board of five public energy companies. Nick is a thought-provoking voice in the energy and manufacturing industries, advocating for technology, labor, environmental, and capital markets policy issues. He is a regular media contributor and speaks extensively on the virtues of the carbon economy, the nobility of the working man, and the vital importance of the middle class. He resides in the Steel City with his wife and children.

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