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The Harvest
The Harvest

The Harvest



246 Pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Formats: EPUB, Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $19.99 (US $19.99) (CA $26.99)

Publication Date: May 2024

ISBN 9781960018090

Rights: WOR

Running Wild Press (May 2024)


eBook Editions Available

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Price: $19.99


After a nightmare about a disembodied, skinless head calling him from under the bed, Daniel woke with a jolt, but managed to fall asleep again with little effort. He was used to these hellish visions—while asleep. Now the visions have started to cross over to his waking life, and it’s game over. As he tries to bury the feeling that he’s being stalked by an unseen force, one of his closest friends takes their own life in front of Daniel, but only after blaming him and “the dragon he carries.”While he races to elucidate a mystery that recedes before him, the people closest to Daniel continue to die in perverse circumstances. Against his better judgment, Daniel follows the thread which connects these deaths in order to discover the truth.

Author Biography

Diego Rauda, 29, is a Scorpio Moon with a fluffy heart, if there ever was one. Born and raised in El Salvador, he moved to Canada in 2013 to attend college. He currently works as a Growth Analyst for a large retailer in Latin America.