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The Battle for Bond
The Battle for Bond

The Battle for Bond


272 Pages, 5.7 x 8.53

Trade Paper, $21.95 (US $21.95) (CA $29.95)

Publication Date: July 2008

ISBN 9780955767005

Rights: US & CA

Tomahawk Press (Jul 2008)

Available from local and national retailers throughout the US.


In 1963, Ian Fleming, the creator of the 20th century's greatest fictional character was in court, accused of plagiarism. The screen version of James Bond was not Fleming's creation. It was the creation of Jack Whittingham, who was employed by maverick producer Kevin McClory to adapt the character to the big screen. Had this screen character never been developed, James Bond might have been just another minor fictional spy character. The Battle for Bond is a tale of bitter recriminations, betrayal, multi-million dollar lawsuits and even death. It is the fabled story of Kevin McClory's 40 year legal battle over the rights to the screen version of James Bond, which he and Whittingham had created.The first edition of this book was banned by the Ian Fleming Will Trust. But the truth never dies!This second edition features a new foreword by Len Deighton.