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Swift Justice
Swift Justice

Swift Justice

Bob White Birder Murders


256 Pages, 5.9 x 8.9

Formats: Trade Paper, EPUB

Trade Paper, $14.95 (US $14.95) (CA $20.00)

Publication Date: September 2014

ISBN 9780878397693

Rights: WOR

North Star Press of St. Cloud (Sep 2014)


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When Bob White finds a birding colleague dead in a pool of coffee at the annual December meeting of the Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union, he finds himself targeted by bad luck and an unknown killer. Adding to his winter blues, Bob’s star Hmong student lands in jail for trespassing in an abandoned brewery, and intrigue among rival birding bloggers catches Bob and his friends in a crossfire. In desperation, Bob must go underground (literally!) to solve the puzzle of unseasonal Chimney Swifts, urban redevelopment, a ghost story, and murder in this sixth book of the Bob White Birder Murder Mysteries.

Author Biography

Jan Dunlap divides her time between birding, teaching, and writing. While she admits to being nowhere as skilled at birding as her fictional protagonist Bob White, she is an optimist and hopes one day to be able to identify all the birds showing up at her back porch feeders. Her first Bob White Birder Murder Mystery, The Boreal Owl Murder, won a silver medal int he 2008 Midwest Book Awards. She lives in Canyon Lake, Texas, where she is working on her next Bob White book, and she welcomes visitors at her website