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Sports Illustrated The Football Vault
Sports Illustrated The Football Vault

Sports Illustrated The Football Vault

Great Writing from the Pages of Sports Illustrated


400 Pages, 6 x 9

Formats: Cloth, EPUB, PDF

Cloth, $30.00 (US $30.00) (CA $40.00)

Publication Date: October 2023

ISBN 9781637275399

Rights: WOR

Triumph Books (Oct 2023)
Sports Illustrated


eBook Editions Available

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Price: $30.00


Sports Illustrated, the most respected voice in sports journalism, has covered the National Football League for over seven decades, documenting its heroes, villains, great characters, and iconic moments.

A wide-ranging portrait of America's game, this anthology features the best pro football writing from the SI archives by nationally renowned journalists including George Plimpton, Frank Deford, Rick Reilly, and Paul Zimmerman.

Author Biography

Sports Illustrated, the most respected voice in sports journalism, is a multimedia sports brand that takes the consumer into the heart and soul of sports.