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Spanish Painting
Spanish Painting

Spanish Painting

Spanische Malerei, Pintura Española 1200 — 1665

Art Periods & Movements Flexi


Formats: Flexibound

Flexibound, (CA $22.95) (US $16.95)

Publication Date: October 2020

ISBN 9783741929342

Rights: WOR X FR

Koenemann (Oct 2020)

Available from local and national retailers throughout the US.


From the medieval works of Romanesque and Gothic art to the golden age of the Baroque, from the famous Beatus Apocalypses to Diego Velázquez and Francisco de Zurbarán, Spanish painting offers a unique abundance of artistic themes and styles. Intimately connected with the needs and power displays of the Habsburg dynasty and the Church, Spanish art developed an idiom as varied as it was distinctive. Covering over 500 works, Spanish Painting (1200–1665) offers a comprehensive and richly illustrated history of the most significant epochs in the art of Spain.

Author Biography

Emma Hansen is an art historian, writer, and editor. She is known through her numerous publications.