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Soy equilibrista
Soy equilibrista

Soy equilibrista

By Montse Ganges, Illustrated by Christian Inaraja


Caballo alado ACCIÓN


24 Pages, 8.5 x 8.5

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $6.95 (US $6.95) (CA $7.95)

Publication Date: April 2013

ISBN 9788498257465

Rights: US & CA

Editorial Casals (Apr 2013)
Combel Editorial

Price: $6.95


Toys, occupations, and means of transportation play the leading role in this series that combines engaging illustrations with full-color photographs. Each book includes a short documentary section that complements the basic text, which appears in both printed letters and cursive.

This resource describes the job of tightrope walkers, from their techniques to the places where they walk on tightropes.

Los juguetes, los oficios y los medios de transporte son los protagonistas#&160;en esta serie que combina ilustraciones encantadoras con fotograf#&237;as a todo color. Cada libro incluye un breve apartado documental que complementa el texto b#&225;sico, el cual aparece en letra de palo y manuscrita.

Este recurso describe el oficio del equilibrista, desde sus t#&233;cnicas hasta los lugares en los cuales camina por la cuerda floja.

Author Biography

Montse Ganges is the author of many children#&8217;s books, including the Aprender es fant#&225;stico series, the Caballo alado ZOO series, the Historias incre#&237;bles series, the Los m#&225;s grandes series, and Peque#&241;o Coco. Christian Inaraja is an artist and the illustrator of more than 50 books. His illustrations and drawings have also appeared in numerous publications, including many children#&8217;s and young adult periodicals.