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Reykjavik Noir trilogy


276 Pages, 5 x 7.75

Formats: EPUB, Mobipocket, Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $14.95 (US $14.95) (CA $19.95)

Publication Date: April 2018

ISBN 9781910633809

Rights: US & CA

Orenda Books (Apr 2018)


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Price: $14.95


An outstandingly original and sexy Nordic crime thriller, from one of the most exciting new names in crime fiction

After a messy divorce, young mother Sonia is struggling to provide for herself and keep custody of her son. With her back to the wall, she resorts to smuggling cocaine into Iceland, and finds herself caught up in a ruthless criminal world. As she desperately looks for a way out of trouble, she must pit her wits against her nemesis, Bragi, a customs officer, whose years of experience frustrate her new and evermore daring strategies. Things become even more complicated when Sonia embarks on a relationship with a woman, Agla. Once a high-level bank executive, Agla is currently being prosecuted in the aftermath of the Icelandic financial crash. Set in a Reykjavík still covered in the dust of the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption, and with a dark, fast-paced and chilling plot and intriguing characters, Snare is an outstandingly original and sexy Nordic crime thriller, from one of the most exciting new names in crime fiction.


“Thriller of the year.” —New York Journal of Books

“A taut, gritty, thoroughly absorbing journey into Reykjavik’s underworld.” —Booklist

“With its clever plot and brisk, tight pace, this hard-to-put-down Nordic thriller will be a treat for crime fiction fans.” —Library Journal Online

"A sharp, twisty, character-driven noir."—

Author Biography

Icelandic crime-writer Lilja Sigurdardóttir was born in the town of Akranes in 1972 and raised in Mexico, Sweden, Spain and Iceland. An award-winning playwright, Lilja has written four crime novels, with Snare, the first in the Reykjavik Noir series, hitting bestseller lists worldwide. Trap was published in 2018, and a Book of the Year in Guardian. The film rights for the series have been bought by Palomar Pictures in California. Lilja lives in Reykjavík with her partner.