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Shannon's Kitchen
Shannon's Kitchen

Shannon's Kitchen

Healthy Food You'll Actually F**king Eat


160 Pages, 7.5 x 9.5

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $29.95 (CA $39.95) (US $29.95)

Publication Date: September 2019

ISBN 9780143792512

Rights: US & CA

Penguin Random House Australia (Sep 2019)
Penguin (AU Adult)

Price: $29.95


She's the Donna Hay of not giving a f**k

Nutritious food makes you feel awesome but it can taste like penis—not to mention that the healthy food world can be as appealing as having your bikini line tidied up with a high-pressure hose. It's a little overzealous, and can be obnoxious, preachy and full of fads. But healthy food isn't just for uptight health nerds and classy highbrow types—it's for everyone. That's why Aussie nurse and mother Shannon Kelly White created her blog, Shannon's Kitchen, to share her delicious, achievable recipes (along with an inappropriate amount of penis jokes and references to nipple erections). Here, Shannon reveals 60 easy-to-follow recipes for healthy food to help you live a bloody good and fun life. If you've had a gutful of diets, detoxes and perfect clean eating types, then this book is for you—no preachy nonsense or etiquette, just tasty food, inappropriate language and zero f**ks given. Includes dual measures. 

Author Biography

Shannon Kelly White's blog, Shannon's Kitchen, began as a hobby a few years ago and her online community includes readers from across the world, all of whom are awesome and often a little weird. Shannon is enthusiastic about healthy eating but thinks diet culture can go f**k itself.