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Rembrandt Bugatti
Rembrandt Bugatti

Rembrandt Bugatti

Life in Sculpture


280 Pages, 9.75 x 12.25

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $79.95 (US $79.95) (CA $107.95)

Publication Date: October 2016

ISBN 9781901403978

Rights: US & CA

Sladmore Gallery (Oct 2016)

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The first truly comprehensive monograph in English on this important 20th-century artist

This book examines Rembrandt Bugatti’s fraught personal life, his position in art history, and the wide-ranging artistic influences apparent in his works. It discusses the sculptor’s innate empathy for the life of his subjects, revealing a fascinating figure, independent from yet not unrelated to the artists of his time. This updated lavishly illustrated publication will be a revelation to those discovering the artist for the first time. For those already aware of his brilliant vision and unsurpassed sculptural skills, it offers a spectacular photographic archive of his works, and much fresh thinking and research about his career.

Author Biography

Edward Horswell has lived alongside Bugatti’s work for some 30 years. He joined The Sladmore Gallery in 1975 and 10 years later took over as director, since which time he has seen interest in the sculptor’s work increase tremendously. The gallery has collaborated with and loaned exhibits to all the recent museum shows devoted to Rembrandt Bugatti as well as mounting its own series of exhibitions of his work in London.