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0 Pages, 7.96 x 10.94

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $15.00 (US $15.00) (CA $20.00)

Publication Date: January 2010

ISBN 9781886449381

Rights: WOR

Station Hill Press (Jan 2010)
Barrytown/Station Hill Press, Inc.

Available from local and national retailers throughout the US.


This artist-approved publication features the work of celebrated Argentinean-born artist Raquel Rabinovich , and includes photographs of her rock sculpture, watercolors, urban installations, and works using pencil on specially selected papers. Exquisitely designed by Susan Quasha with essays by art critic and curator Linda Weintraub and poet/artist George Quasha, and a poem by Charles Stein selected by the artist.The texts discuss the artist's work from 1963, when she began her lifelong investigations into the nature of existence through an exploration of what she calls "the dark," that which is "concealed beneath the surface of objects, of words, of thoughts, of the world." In her work Rabinovich speaks a language where the fine line between inner and outer turns transparent.


"There are artists for whom the core gesture of the work is indistinguishable from the emergence of Being itself. They inform us that there is no question of "special effects" because nothing is special. Accordingly, everything seen with the truth of the eye of art is equal to Being. Perhaps this is the meaning of the famous Egyptian hieroglyph of the Eye, taking Ra to be simply the root of art: that which is made so truly that it is of the nature of Being. To contemplate the art of Raquel Rabinovich is to participate at this level of essential meanings." — George Quasha, from his essay, "A Short Meditation on the Meditative Art of R.R."

Author Biography

George Quasha is the co-founder of Barrytown/Station Hill Press. He is a poet and artist who works across mediums to explore principles in common within language, sculpture, drawing, video, sound, installation, and performance. His awards include a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship in poetry (1975), and a John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship in video art (2006).