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Proxy Mom
Proxy Mom

Proxy Mom

My Experience with Postpartum Depression



144 Pages, 6.5 x 9

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $19.99 (CA $26.99) (US $19.99)

Publication Date: June 2024

ISBN 9781681123349

Rights: WOR X UK

NBM Publishing (Jun 2024)

Price: $19.99


Marietta and Chuck, madly in love, are expecting a baby. But childbirth marks the end of the fairy tale. Zoe's birth didn't go as Marietta imagined, and the maternal instinct is slow to manifest itself. While she no longer recognizes her body, Marietta feels herself losing her footing in the face of this vulnerable baby for whom she is now responsible. Will she manage to feel like a mother? To love her baby? To stop thinking that a proxy mom would do better than her? A humorful but realist viewpoint on a problem experienced by a significant number of new mothers, with an insight on how to overcome it.


"A gentle and accessible portrayal of a mental health crisis."—Publisher Weekly

"Delivered lightly and breezily but deadly serious for all that, Proxy Mom finds cheery ways to provide encouragement, support and vital information."—Now Read This!

"This is the kind of book that says "you're not alone" to a huge number of women struggling with what is usually the biggest, hardest, most exhaustingly wonderful thing that they've ever had to deal with. It says that clearly, lovingly, from the point of view of another woman who has been through it."—Andrew Wheeler, The Antick Musings of G.B.H. Hornswoggler, Gent.

"Proxy Mom is a needed and timely book. The book should be required reading in medical schools and in medical humanities courses. Finally, expectant parents and their friends and family should read it too."  — Graphic Medicine Review

"This is not just the story of one woman’s journey through pregnancy and motherhood, however: [The protagonist's] experiences are shared by many women who will enjoy seeing stated plainly some facts about pregnancy, birth, and motherhood that are usually left out of the Hallmark narrative." — TheArtsStl Review

"What fictionalising [the author's experience with postpartum depression] allows is a more personal experience." — The Slings and Arrows 

"...a good illustration of what postpartum depression is and what it looks like through one woman's story." — Sequential Tart

Author Biography

MATHOU (pr. Matoo), born in 1983, lives in Angers, France. She is an illustrator, graphic artist and creator of the successful blog “Crayon d’Humeur” (2007) with a community of 400,000 social media followers. She is the author of 5 successful comics and every year she releases her popular Happy Diary, of which 300,000 copies have been sold within the last 5 years. Her work focuses on sensitive topics such as anxieties and fatphobia... always brought up in a funny and optimistic way. SOPHIE ADRIANSEN was born in 1982, lives in Bretagne, France. She works full- time as a writer since 2010, having studied storytelling at the Femis movie school (Paris). She is the author of more than 70 books for adults and young people (400,000 books sold) and the winner of many French book awards. Her work has been translated in the US ("Nina Simone in Comics!"), Italy, Spain and Turkey. She wrote several novels about birth and maternity before writing "Proxy Mom".