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NFL Legends
NFL Legends

NFL Legends

100 Years of the NFL


128 Pages, 8.16 x 10.16

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $26.95 (US $26.95) (CA $35.95)

Publication Date: February 2021

ISBN 9781912918126

Rights: US & CA

Sona Books (Feb 2021)

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A survey of the league's history, highlighting iconic players, unforgettable games, and legendary coaches

Over almost a century, the NFL has provided fans with hundreds of unique personalities, countless unforgettable moments and some of the greatest feats of sporting brilliance ever seen. From its humble beginnings in the Midwest to the global phenomenon it has become today, the league has evolved and changed almost beyond recognition. But the exploits of the footballing heroes of years past continue to stand the test of time. Here we've collected stories on dozens of the league's most celebrated players. With expert commentary and lavish photography, you'll explore and rediscover the attributes that made these players, coaches and teams iconic, as well as the moments that propelled them to greatness. From early innovators like Don Hutson and Jim Brown, to modern giants such as Tom Brady, there's something for every NFL fan here.

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