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Medicinal Plants in Australia
Medicinal Plants in Australia

Medicinal Plants in Australia

Volume 1: Bush Pharmacy


328 Pages, 6 x 9

Formats: PDF

PDF, $35.00 (US $35.00) (CA $47.00)

Publication Date: August 2010

ISBN 9781925078053

Rights: US & CA

Rosenberg Publishing (Aug 2010)

Not yet published. Ships 8/1/2010.


This book is designed to enhance the appreciation of the medicinal history of Australia's flora, its unique contributions to everyday life, and its extraordinary future potential. Author Cheryll Williams previously published a series of articles on medicinal plants in Australian Wellbeing magazine and is currently working with Wildlife Rescue in the tropical rainforest. Chapters include: Plants of the Pioneers: First Impressions and Improvisations * Herbal Inspiration: Remedies from the Bush * Sarsaparilla and Sassafras: Old Remedies in a New Colony * Xanthorrhoea: Grass-Tree Medicine * Floral Emissaries * Bush Beverages * Bush Tucker Bugs * A Sweet Surprise: Medicinal and Toxic Honeys * Uniquely Australian: Flowers, Flavors, and Fragrance * Sandalwood: The Aromatic Export * The Famous Australian Gum-tree.