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Magic and Witchcraft
Magic and Witchcraft

Magic and Witchcraft

The Truth Behind the Trials


144 Pages, 8.19 x 10.19

Cloth, $32.95 (US $32.95) (CA $43.95)

Publication Date: January 2021

ISBN 9781912918140

Rights: US & CA

Sona Books (Jan 2021)

Not Yet Published. Estimated release date: January 2021


A look at the history of witch trails in Europe and America

In a continent ravaged by plague, war and religious upheaval, maleficium (malicious magic) was just one more menace that people had to weather. No one was safe from maleficium, nor from accusations of practicing magic and consorting with the Devil—not even queens and courtiers. In Magic & Witchcraft, we cover everything you need to know about the hunts and trials that cut a bloody swathe across Europe and the American Colonies from the Medieval times to the Early Modern age. Uncover the true stories of the panic and paranoia that swept towns up into hysteria, from accusations at Pendle Hill in Lancashire, England, to the madness of the Salem Witch Trials leading to the execution of 20 people. Find out what tools, ingredients and magical tomes real cunning folk depended on and what concoction could cure stomach ulcers. Investigate the exploits of the notorious Matthew Hopkins, the Witchfinder General who made it his mission to punish anyone whom he believed to be practicing the works of the Devil.

Author Biography

Sarah Bankes has skilfully edited Future Publishing's "All About History" content to create this thought provoking history of the our relationship with Magic and Witchcraft.