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Life on Australian Locomotives
Life on Australian Locomotives

Life on Australian Locomotives

208 Pages, 6 x 9

Formats: PDF, EPUB

PDF, $14.00 (US $14.00) (CA $19.00)

Publication Date: March 2015

ISBN 9781925078633

Rights: US & CA

Rosenberg Publishing (Mar 2015)


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What was it like to drive a steam locomotive? This book shares the ups and downs, mishaps and triumphs, of life on the footplate. In the 1960s, author David Barnett worked as an engineman / fireman on the footplates of locomotives in Western Victoria, Australia, at a time when bumper wheat harvests saw trains carrying tons of grain through Ararat, Victoria for shipping overseas. A variety of locomotives were in use during this time. The book reveals how some performed magnificently, while others were sluggish and recalcitrant, requiring every ounce of skill and perseverance of the engineman to keep the wheels turning. A limited number of passenger trains also saw steam haulage. The drama and adventure of running these engines is described in graphic and gritty detail by one whose task was keeping the water boiling and the steam gauge needle on the mark. All this is set against a background of thudding air compressors, chime whistles, and staccato exhausts, as well as the occasional whine of a diesel electric's dynamic brake, making this a truly exhilarating picture of Life on Australian Locomotives. *** Librarians: ebook available on ProQuest and EBSCO [Subject: Autobiography, Australian Studies, History, Railway Transportation]