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Lettering to the Max
Lettering to the Max

Lettering to the Max

By Ivan Castro, Foreword by Alex Trochut


128 Pages, 8.5 x 10.25

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $32.95 (US $32.95) (CA $43.95)

Publication Date: March 2021

ISBN 9781912740079

Rights: US, CA, BR & CAR

Korero Press (Mar 2021)

Price: $32.95
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Ivan Castro’s new volume on the art of creating distinctive hand-drawn letterforms approaches the subject from a less technical perspective than its predecessor, The ABC of Custom Lettering. It’s a beginner-friendly workbook that outlines the essential tools and materials required to get started and uses a wealth of lettering samples, sketches and drawings to explain, step by step, how to produce stylish design, crafts and DIY projects. The basic principles of lettering are covered in detail – from understanding letter structure and anatomy and giving letters shape and expression, to using them to create complex compositions – while practical exercises allow the reader not only to hone their newfound skills but to experiment with and develop their own ideas. In-depth but accessible, this is a fun guide for budding lettering artists that also provides a wealth of information for experienced or professional designers.


"This is the book I wish I'd had when I was starting out, 40+ years ago." —Art Chantry

"Finally, a lettering book I can recommend to students!" —Ken Barber, House Industries

Author Biography

Ivan Castro is a graphic designer based in Barcelona, Spain, who specializes in calligraphy, lettering, and typography. His work involves everything from advertising to editorial, and from packaging to logo design and gig posters. Although Ivan claims to have no specific style, one could say that he has a strong respect for the history of popular culture. He has been working in the field for 20 years and has been teaching calligraphy and lettering for 15 years in the main design schools in Barcelona. He frequently travels, holding workshops and giving lectures at design festivals and conferences. He is also the author of the book The ABC of Custom lettering.

Foreword by Alex Trochut
Alex Trochut is an award-winning Spanish artist, graphic designer, illustrator, and typographer. He was born in Barcelona and is currently based in Brooklyn, New York, USA. He created the cover for Katy Perry’s single Roar, as well as Rolled Gold: The Very Best of the Rolling Stones, among others.