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Let Me Remember You
Let Me Remember You

Let Me Remember You

God in 'A Course in Miracles'


170 Pages, 5.54 x 8.58

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $10.00 (US $10.00) (CA $13.95)

Publication Date: March 1999

ISBN 9781886602137

Rights: WOR

Circle Publishing (Mar 1999)

Available from local and national retailers throughout the US.


The topic of God is central to human life. In the contemporary spiritual teaching, A Course in Miracles, God is everything: our source, our home, and our one goal. He is a loving God, very present in our lives. All our suffering comes from our sense of alienation from God, but beyond our awareness we remain united with Him in a state so wondrous that words cannot begin to capture it.This book is designed to help readers gain, or perhaps regain, a sense of God's relevance and active presence in their lives. It will be of value to new and experienced Course students, as well as to anyone seeking to have a closer relationship with God or to heal their existing relationship with God. Topics include: . Correcting and letting go of fearful, traditional images of God . The nature of God as love . Different aspects of our relationship with God . How to relate to God now . Prayer, meditation, and revelation . God walking with us

Author Biography

Robert Perry is an internationally respected author and teacher of A Course in Miracles, and founder of the Circle of Atonement Teaching and Healing Center. His materials help readers appreciate, understand, and practice the teachings of the Course. Robert's goal has always been to provide a complete picture of what the Course is -- as a thought system and as a path meant to be lived in the world on a daily basis -- and to support students in walking along that path. Allen Watson is a writer and teacher of A Course in Miracles and currently works with Course students in Portland, Oregon. He has written a number of books and booklets on the Course, including A Healed Mind Does Not Plan, Seeing the Bible Differently, the Workbook Companion series on the Internet and in book form, as well as co-author of Let Me Remember You. Before joining the Circle of Atonement for several years, he published Miracle Thoughts newsletter and led Course study groups in New Jersey.