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La migración
La migración

La migración

By Amparo Bosque, Illustrated by Susana Rosique


Pequeños Ciudadanos Responsables


52 Pages, 6.75 x 8

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $18.00 (US $18.00) (CA $24.00)

Publication Date: March 2021

ISBN 9788416470266

Rights: US & CA

Editorial Fineo (Mar 2021)

Price: $18.00


People have migrated since the beginning of time, however, who is a migrant? What is the difference between a migrant and an immigrant? Do people who migrate abandon their family? Let's discover the answers to these and many other questions about migration.

Author Biography

Susana Rosique is an experimented children's illustrator with a unique style. Being born in San Sebastian, she declares herself a fan of impressionism and surrealism. An academic, editor, and cultural promoter. She received her bachelor's degree in literature and her master's in education from the Monterrey Institute of Technology. She is currently the president of Educadores somos todos, A.C., vice president of Queda entre nosotras, A.C., and serves as the general director for Editorial Fineo.