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Kiss Me Forever
Kiss Me Forever

Kiss Me Forever

Dreamspun Beyond


200 Pages, 4.25 x 7

Mass Market, $9.99 (US $9.99) (CA $13.99)

Publication Date: April 2018

ISBN 9781641080446

Rights: WOR

Dreamspinner Press (Apr 2018)

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Forever is too long to be alone.Professor Avery Cook has spent his career researching the mysterious side of New Orleans. Superstitions, legends, and lore—Avery has an academic explanation for all of them….Until one night when he walks into a bar and his life changes.In a sea of impossibly beautiful people, Tyson stands out, and he sweeps Avery off his feet with his old-world charm and romanticism. But there’s a darkness in Tyson too, and Avery discovers Tyson is part of a world he thought existed only in books and stories—the paranormal tales he studies at the university.Tyson’s been lonely for a long time, and he’s falling in love with Avery. But his past is a long one, and it’s full of enemies and danger. The best way to keep Avery safe is to push him away….

Author Biography

M.J. O’Shea has never met a music festival, paintbrush, or flower crown she can stay away from. She loves rainstorms and a perfect cup of tea, beach days, music, bright colors, and more than anything a cozy evening with a really great book.She is from the Pacific Northwest. While she lives there still and loves it, M.J. has the heart of a wanderer. So she puts all her dreams of far-off places and extraordinary people in her books.Except for every once in a while when she does what all travelers have to do on occasion… come home.Email: [email protected]: mjoshea.comTwitter: @MjOsheaSeattle