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102 Pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Formats: EPUB

EPUB, $9.99 (US $9.99) (CA $12.99)

Publication Date: October 2019

ISBN 9781947548664

Rights: WOR

Regal House Publishing (Oct 2019)


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Charley’s Juice takes you to a world that is so real it's fake, so fake it's real, and so fantastical you can't figure out if you are coming or going. Deep sadness mingles with slapstick and everyone is getting up and going to work in the underbelly of Heaven. Juice is a magical joyride on a spaceship made of dust and stars, cobwebs and takeout boxes, fenders and a little hay that shoots us straight to a carnival of hyperrealism, where the side show is a mirror into our souls. Look in. You may think the mirror is warped, but let me tell you, it's not. Read Juice and read America in all its rusty, neon, prairied, and salt-stained glory. REBECCA KINZIE-BASTIAN - Author of Charms for Finding

Author Biography

Charles (Charley) Springer has degrees in anthropology and is an award-winning painter. A Pushcart Prize nominee, he has published in over seventy journals including The Cincinnati Review, Edison Literary Review, Faultline, Oxford Magazine, Packingtown Review, Passager, Tar River Poetry and the Windsor Review. He writes from the family farm in Caldwell, Pennsylvania. Juice is his first collection of poems.