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Jnaneshwar's Gita
Jnaneshwar's Gita

Jnaneshwar's Gita

A Rendering of the Jnaneshwari

By Swami Kripananda, Foreword by Ian MP Raeside, Introduction by Shankar Gopal Tulpule


370 Pages, 7 x 10

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $29.95 (US $29.95) (CA $29.95)

Publication Date: January 1999

ISBN 9780911307641

Rights: WOR

Siddha Yoga Publications (Jan 1999)

Price: $29.95


Jnaneshwari is a commentary on the Bhagavad Gita completed in 1290 C.E. by the poet-saint Jnaneshwar. Swami Kripananda has simply put the Jnaneshwari into the contemporary English idiom in rather the same way that Robert Bly put Tagore's translation of Kabir into contemporary language.

Author Biography

Swami Kripananda is a professor of Spanish literature and language. For the last twenty five years, she has been studying kundalini, the divine cosmic power, whose awakening within a seeker is the key to spiritual transformation. Swami Kripananda teaches Siddha Yoga courses and retreats under the guidance of her spiritual master, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda.