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Iceland - Culture Smart!
Iceland - Culture Smart!

Iceland - Culture Smart!

The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

Culture Smart!


200 Pages, 4.25 x 6.75

Formats: Trade Paper, EPUB, PDF, Mobipocket

Trade Paper, $14.99 (US $14.99) (CA $19.99)

Publication Date: July 2021

ISBN 9781787029040

Rights: WOR X IN, PK, NP, BT, BD, LK, & MV

Kuperard (Jul 2021)


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Culture Smart! guides offer a more meaningful experience abroad by informing foreign visitors to the values, attitudes, customs, and traditions of the country they are visiting; they also give readers the practical tools to take part in their new environment, to communicate effectively, form relationships, and avoid faux pas

The volcanic island of Iceland has erupted on to the world travel scene in recent years. With striking scenes of steaming turquoise geysers set among rugged snowy peaks, miles of black sand beaches, and the majesty of the northern lights, one can only wonder what took so long. But what of the people who call this remote North Atlantic island home? Behind a stoic veneer lies a proud, industrious, and egalitarian people, whose straightforwardness and ability to wing-it have seen them thrive in this beautiful but unforgiving environment. Culture Smart! Iceland will take you to the heart of this plucky Nordic nation. It will equip you with a deeper understanding of your hosts and with the tools to turn your visit into a more meaningful and enriching experience, whatever your reason for traveling.


"...the perfect introduction to the weird, wonderful and downright odd quirks and customs of various countries,"

Global Travel

"...offer glimpses into the psyche of a faraway world,"

New York Times

"...full of fascinating, as well as common sense, tips to help you avoid embarrassing faux pas,"


"Culture Smart! has come to the rescue of hapless travellers,"

Sunday Times Travel

" useful as they are entertaining,"

Easy Jet Magazine

Author Biography

Thorgeir Freyr Sveinsson holds a Cand.theol. in Theology from the University of Iceland, and a Master’s in Management and Organizational Analysis from Birkbeck College, University of London.