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Geological landscapes and the British peoples


296 Pages, 10.24 x 7.87

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $70.00 (US $70.00) (CA $60.00)

Publication Date: November 2016

ISBN 9781780460604

Rights: US & CA

Dunedin Academic Press (Nov 2016)
Liverpool University Press

Price: $70.00


GeoBritannica concerns the geological legacy of Britain, an inheritance bequeathed by its bedrock to the peoples who have lived on the island for the eleven millennia since the final spasms of the last Ice Ages. The authors explain the geological diversity of the landscape and the raw materials that it provides. They show how these materials have been utilised by society and by individuals in creative acts of the imagination. The reader will discover how regional environments and resources have enabled and inspired endeavours as diverse as planning, mining, quarrying, architecture, literature and the visual arts.The authors provide a modern interpretation of the geological history of Britain and place this in its historic, social and artistic contexts. Why is geology so fascinating to us? How do geologists do their science? Why are the differing landscapes what, where and how they are? What is the nature of the geological foundations of the British landscapes? How have geological discoveries developed our understanding of the landscape of Britain over the past two hundred years? What is the geological context of the raw materials used in past and present industries and for historic and vernacular buildings? How have geological landscapes and materials influenced past and present architects, visual artists and writers?This is a book for those wanting to develop a better understanding of Britain and to develop their love and understanding of the island which we inhabit.


‘The authors state that this book “… attempts to put the geological history, landscapes and materials of Britain … into historic, societal and artistic concepts.” They trace its ‘ancestry’ back to A E Trueman’s Geology and scenery of England and Wales, W G Hoskins’s The making of the English landscape and Jacquetta Hawkes’s A land, books that a certain generation of reader will recognise as ‘classics’. We have waited a long time for a reputable heir! Early chapters introduce readers to basic geology and the history of geology together with its influence on art and literature and the use of rock in people’s lives, especially as building stone. There is a chapter on palaeogeography with simplified maps which is particularly useful, explaining the concept of plate tectonics and placing Great Britain in context during each geological era.In the final section of the book entitled ‘GeoRegions’, Great Britain is divided into 17 areas with a chapter devoted to each. Simplified geological and topographical maps are placed adjacent to each other at the beginning of each chapter to set the scene, making comparison easy, before the geology, culture and art is discussed. Without doubt the section readers will turn to first.It is beautifully illustrated throughout with clear captions and acknowledgment of sources. The paintings shown are very often familiar but the book makes one look at them from a different perspective. It is worth possessing a copy of the book for these alone!The book has been written to appeal to the ‘interested amateur’. This it does admirably, but I am sure a professional geologist will find it equally rewarding to read.’ Geoscientist Online Reviews

'The book is marvellous. The quality of the photos, maps and diagrams is outstanding, and I really love the constant admixture of geology, landscape, materials and cultural history. The book has an excellent hard cover, and the result is a remarkable synthesis covering Britain in a way that is really full of insight.' Dr Peter Friend in Trilobite, Friends of the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge

‘With the widespread recognition of the Anthropocene, the ‘Age of Man’, the role of human systems in the shaping of the physical, social and cultural landscape has increased in resonance. Researchers have not been slow to recognise the importance of this change in outlook, with a new-found interest in linking Earth and Human System models. Investigations of the linkages tend, at present, to be focussed on a better appreciation of the risks to economic and social systems of the workings of the Earth system, including the management of changes in land use and biodiversity as well as the more dramatic impacts of volcanic eruptions, earthquake activity, major floods and other extreme meteorological events. Understanding these risks has taken on added urgency in a world known to be undergoing planetary warming. Less emphasis is placed on the role of the landscape’s geological foundations in our cultural heritage. It is therefore refreshing to see Mike Leeder and Joy Lawlor’s vibrantly written and beautifully illustrated account of how Britain’s geological history, landscapes and natural materials can be placed into historic, societal and artistic contexts… GeoBritannica is a charming read, especially if you are interested in the many linkages between geology, scenery and culture. It is a springboard for the realisation of previously neglected connections, for sparking hitherto unasked questions and for marvelling anew at the richness of this ‘fortress built by nature’, this “sceptred isle”.’
For the full review see

‘If you are wanting to get an overview of British geology and geomorphology then look no further. If you want an idea of literature and graphic art that is related to British scenery and places – then you have it here, too… The book is very well illustrated, in colour, which is important in understanding the copious maps and diagrams. But as well as the science, it is illustrated from equations from poems and prose, guidebooks and reports. Paintings and sculptures are included, too. Explore this book and use it to explore Britain, you’ll not be disappointed.' Visualising Geomorphology

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Author Biography

Mike Leeder attended Diss Grammar and the City of Norwich schools, graduating from Durham in geology and subsequently earning a PhD at Reading. He was on the faculty at the Universities of Leeds and East Anglia and is now Emeritus Professor. He is a medallist of the Geological Society of London and the Yorkshire Geological Society. He currently lives and writes alternately in West Cork and South Norfolk.Joy Lawlor attended Hinckley Grammar School, trained as an art teacher at Bath, taught at secondary schools in central Liverpool and graduated in English Literature at its University. She subsequently moved to West Cork, raised three children and became an award-winning art teacher. Since retiring she has gained an MA in art therapy and continues to paint, garden and write enthusiastically.

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