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Friends of the Earth
Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth

A History of American Environmentalism with 21 Activities

<DIV><FONT face=&#34;Times New Roman&#34;>9 and Up</FONT></DIV><DIV>Fourth grade and Up</DIV>

For Kids series


144 Pages, 11 x 8.5

Formats: Trade Paper, Mobipocket, EPUB, PDF

Trade Paper, $16.95 (US $16.95) (CA $18.95)

Publication Date: March 2013

ISBN 9781569767184

Rights: WOR

Chicago Review Press (Mar 2013)


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From John Muir pushing a president and a nation into setting aside vast preserves—including Yosemite, Sequoia, Mt. Rainer, and the Grand Canyon—to Julia “Butterfly” Hill saving a 1,000-year-old redwood while bringing to light the devastation of our old-growth forests, Friends of the Earth chronicles the efforts of the men and women who dedicated their lives to protecting the United States’ natural heritage. Other notable profiles include John James Audubon, who introduced the study of birds to North America; Marjory Stoneman Douglas, who worked to conserve the Florida Everglades; and Rachel Carson, who opened the world’s eyes to the dangers of pesticides. Together, these environmentalists’ inspiring life stories tell the history of American environmentalism, from its inception to the present day. In this comprehensive resource, children also learn how to put their concerns into action. Step-by-step instructions on how to build a birdfeeder, conduct a water quality survey, start a compost pile, create their own recycled paper, and test for acid rain are included, as well as a time line of historic milestones and a list of popular parks and sites to visit or explore online.


"Budding environmentalists will appreciate these accessible and inspiring biographies."—School Library Journal

"Author Ms. McCarthy packs in plenty of information but keeps the pace lively, ensuring that young readers won't feel too much like they are stuck in summer school."—Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Author Biography

Pat McCarthy is the author of Heading West and 10 other children’s titles. She has written for Children’s Digest, Cricket, and other publications. She lives in Greenville, Ohio.