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Flora of the South West
Flora of the South West

Flora of the South West

Bunbury Augusta Denmark - 2 Volume Set in slip case


992 Pages, 7.25 x 10.25

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $149.95 (US $149.95)

Publication Date: April 2002

ISBN 9780642568168

Rights: US & CA

UWA Publishing (Apr 2002)

Price: $149.95


The flora of south-western Australia is internationally renowned as one of the richest in the world. Every year, in spring and summer, thousands of visitors - many from overseas - arrive to admire and wonder at the staggering array of wildflowers. Flora of the South West, published in two volumes, provides a comprehensive guide to this natural treasure. Each volume features illustrated identification keys using easily observed characteristics such as flower color and shape, simply written descriptions, notes on distribution and ecology, and small sketches illustrating the differences between the species. Volume 1 focuses on ferns, grasses, sedges, lilies, orchids and other monocotyledons, while Volume 2 presents trees, shrubs, and broad-leafed plants, the dicotyledons.