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An Actor of Color's Journey Through the Heyday of Hollywood

By Loo Hui Phang, Illustrated by Hugues Micol



200 Pages, 8.5 x 11

Formats: PDF, Cloth

Cloth, $24.99 (US $24.99) (CA $33.99)

Publication Date: July 2024

ISBN 9781681123387

Rights: WOR X UK

NBM Publishing (Jul 2024)

Not Yet Published. Estimated release date: July 2024


Maximus Wyld had his heyday in 1940s-50s Hollywood. Of mixed race Black, Chinese and Native American descent, he was "the actor with a thousand faces”, essentially interpreting ethnic roles: Indian chief, Mexican revolutionary, oriental dandy... A veritable reinterpretation of the myth of American cinema through the prism of minorities, Erased reveals the political and social dimension of Hollywood productions. Maximus Wildhorse, renamed “Maximus Wyld” by Hollywood, was a talented, prized, admired comedian. His filmography is an anthology of cinema: Vertigo, the Maltese Falcon, Sunset Boulevard, the Prisoner of the Desert, Rebecca... Copper faced and with unprecedented beauty and animal presence, he paved the way for colored stars in a segregationist climate. After him, Sydney Poitier, Harry Belafonte and Yul Brynner, were able to reach the rank of stars. His charisma ignited white cinema and shamelessly swayed its racial hegemony. Maximus Wyld was a pioneer. However, no credits mention his name. On celluloid there is no imprint of his face. Maximus the precursor rests in the graveyard of Hollywood amnesia. What event pushed him into limbo? What occult and superior force has store

Author Biography

Hugues Micol was born in 1969 in Paris.Hugues Micol keeps his promises. Spotted with Chiquito la Muerte, an offbeat western, this emerging talent then distinguished himself by drawing animal comics, crazy thrillers, a Japanese historical series... So much proof that this artist has a rich graphic culture. By teaming up with another artist of great culture, David B., he offers us a new version of wild America, less known, because located in Tierra del Fuego. It was with a twilight western, Scalp, that he won the International Töpffer Prize from the city and county of Geneva. Loo Hui Phang was born in 1974 in Laos.She has written plays, children's books with Jean-Pierre Duffour, as well as scripts for short films, cartoons and comics.