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Energy and Matter
Energy and Matter

Energy and Matter

Science Essentials Physics


48 Pages, 8 x 10.5

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $15.99 (US $15.99) (CA $18.99)

Publication Date: April 2010

ISBN 9780237541804

Rights: US & CA

MMS Gold (Apr 2010)

Price: $15.99


Sustainable Futures explores the current threats to our world resources and the possible solutions to some of the most urgent and difficult problems facing today's decision-makers. What is a renewable energy source? Is nuclear power a good source of energy? Why are wind farms so controversial? And, how is energy linked to climate change? Energy answers these questions and many others. From turning off lights to hydroelectric schemes, Energy looks at issues surrounding the world's energy supplies and the demand for energy. Discover what we mean by a sustainable energy source, and what you can do to help conserve energy.

Author Biography

Gerard Cheshire is the author of Day and Night in the Swamp, How Machines Work, and Spirit of the Polar Regions, as well as the Nature Unfolds series, the Scary Creatures series, and the Science Essentials - Physics series.

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