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176 Pages, 5 x 9

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $17.00 (US $17.00) (CA $23.00)

Publication Date: January 2022

ISBN 9788418236433

Rights: US & CA

Malpaso Editorial (Jan 2022)

Price: $17.00


Electra es una joven de padre desconocido, criada en un convento en Francia y que, tras la muerte de su madre Eleuteria, es acogida por su tía Evarista y el marido de esta Don Urbano. Electra se enamora perdidamente del científico Máximo, un sobrino de Evarista. Sin embargo, don Salvador de Pantoja le confiesa a Electra que Máximo y ella son hermanos de madre por lo que Electra, presa de sus temores, se refugia en un convento animada por Pantoja. Allí, Eleuteria se le aparece para revelarle que los rumores que la atormentan son totalmente falsos y le aconsejará abandonar el convento en el que le augura la infelicidad.

 Electra is a young lady who does not know her father. She was raised in a French convent, and, after the death of her mother, was adopted by her aunt Evarista who is married to Don Urbano. Later, Electra falls deeply in love with Maximo the scientist, Evarista's newphew. However, Electra finds out that she and Maximo have the same mother. Terrified of her own feelings, she flees to a convent. There, Eleuteria appears to her and informs her that the rumor was a lie. She advises her to leave the convent and seek happiness.

Author Biography

Benito Pérez Galdós (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1843 - Madrid, 1920) fue un novelista, dramaturgo y articulista español, máximo representante de las corrientes realista y naturalista en la narrativa española. Tras cursar el bachillerato en su tierra natal, en 1867 se mudó a Madrid para estudiar derecho, carrera que abandonó para dedicarse a la labor literaria. En 1870 aparecieron su primeras novelas, "La sombra" y "La fontana de oro", preludio de sus famosos "Episodios Nacionales". Bajo la influencia naturalista escribió algunas de sus obras más importantes como "Fortunata y Jacinta" y "Miau".

 Benito Pérez Galdós was a prolific writer who fully embodied the realist and naturalist movements in Spanish-language literature. After graduating from college in 1867, he moved to Madrid to study law. However, he eventually shifted all of his attentions to the world of writing. In 1870 his first novels, La sombra and La fontana de oro were published. These two classics preceded the famous, Episodios Nacionales. And through the naturalist approach, he wrote some of his most notable works, such as "Forunata y Jacinta" and "Miau".