168 Pages, 5.75 x 8.75
Trade Paper, $9.95 (US $9.95) (CA $11.95)
Publication Date: April 2015
ISBN 9786074003659
Rights: US & CA
Editorial Oceano de Mexico (Apr 2015)
No one can walk down the personal path that leads to happiness for us. Everyone must take the course at their own risk. There are, of course, those who are slightly lost and arrive a bit late, as well as those that discover the shortcut and become the leaders. In this book, Jorge Bucay shares with us the first of his Roadmaps: personal maps that help us stay on course and better cope with obstacles that we inevitably find in our way.
Jorge Bucay is a doctor and a psychotherapist. His books have been translated into more than 24 languages, and he has become one of the most influential thinkers of today’s society. He is the author of Amarse con los ojos abiertos, Cartas para Claudia, Cuentos para pensar, De la autoestima al egoísmo, De la ignorancia a la sabiduría, and Hojas de ruta.