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A season selection of the best from The Spectator


112 Pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $24.95 (US $24.95)

Publication Date: October 2019

ISBN 9781846893346

Rights: US

Quiller Publishing (Oct 2019)

Price: $24.95


Drink! is the title for an anthology of Bruce Anderson’s bi-weekly Spectator column of the same name that has become a hugely popular feature of the magazine over the last five years. Divided into the four seasons, to track the change in the year, Drink! is a selection of fifty-two of Bruce Anderson’s favourite columns commenting on social mores, politics or the feeling of the man on the street and always written with a recommendation for a suitable alcoholic supplement to further add to the joy that makes so many enjoy reading Bruce’s work. Drink! includes a foreword by former Prime Minister David Cameron and is illustrated in colour by cartoonist, Lachy Campbell.

Author Biography

Bruce Anderson, the John Bull of British journalism, is a political columnist who has been a leviathan of the national press for almost half a century. As a journalist, Bruce has written widely, but most recently for The Independent, The Daily Mail, Boisdale Life and The London Magazine.One time political editor of The Spectator and widely read blogger for the publication, Bruce is now one of the magazine’s most popular columnists as he holds court through the affable and enjoyable articles he writes every other week for Drink!