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Diálogos con Dios de fondo
Diálogos con Dios de fondo

Diálogos con Dios de fondo



296 Pages, 5.25 x 8.25

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $28.95 (US $28.95) (CA $34.99)

Publication Date: February 2015

ISBN 9788492416660

Rights: US & CA

Fragmenta Editorial (Feb 2015)

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During more than two decades of passionate dedication to journalism, António Marujo has had the opportunity to sit down with many unique people to discuss matters of the heart and God. This diverse cast of voices carries religious motivation that leads to the search for meaning in the deepest root of ideas. Joining these testaments in the form of a book, the author contributes to the discussion of life as experienced by believers. Marujo argues that the cultural debate must not continue to confine to secrecy these voices that provide a fundamental contribution to society. Religions and culture have to open themselves up to allow everyone to live with dignity. Featured contributors include the Dalai Lama, Johann Baptist Metz, Joan Chittister, Jacques Gaillot, Hans Küng, Jürgen Moltmann, José Antonio Pagola, Raimon Panikkar, Gianfranco Ravasi, Andrea Riccardi, Juan José Tamayo, José Tolentino Mendonça, and more.

Author Biography

António Marujo is a journalist who specializes in religious issues. He is a two-time recipient of the John Templeton award for European Religion Writer of the Year, given by the Conference of European Churches. He is the author of several books in Portuguese.

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