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Recetas para depurar el organismo


192 Pages, 7.75 x 9.25

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $25.95 (US $25.95) (CA $34.95)

Publication Date: March 2019

ISBN 9788416407118

Rights: US & CA

Cinco Tintas (Mar 2019)

Price: $25.95


The excesses that we commit daily have a large impact on our bodies and allow toxins to accumulate. Cure your body and become physically fit without realizing it through a tasty detox. Beginning with a list of products you should avoid or limit, you will also find a section of delicious recipes. From juices and infusions to breakfast and dinner dishes, Detox will help you get to know the beneficial properties of easy to find foods. Soon you will enjoy new dishes with better control and knowledge of what you eat.

Author Biography

Coralie Ferreira is a stylist and culinary writer. After graduating, she worked for three years writing for various French culinary magazines.