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Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace Being Bonkers


262 Pages, 6.69 x 8.66

Trade Paper, $19.95 (US $19.95)

Publication Date: November 2010

ISBN 9780861661701

Rights: US & CA

Fanfare (Nov 2010)

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The world is plagued by madness. With leaders bent on insane policies and too many citizens locked in crippling depression, normality seems elusive and questionable. Part travelogue, part indictment of mad medicine, Depresso is Tom Freeman's hilarious journey through the vagaries of the system to emerge scathed but content with being 'bonkers'. The story unfolds over several years, in China and the UK, during which anti-depressants reduce Tom to a zombie and alternative therapies drive him to comic re-examinations of his life, his work and relationships.

Author Biography

Brick was born in Switzerland of Austrian-Scottish stock and raised on military bases in the Far East and Mediterranean, where comics were the sole source of enlightenment. Educated in the gulag of an English public school, he was destined to devote his life to railing against the system. After stints as a scrapman, roadie, steel erector and bouncer, he stumbled on a talent for satire and taught himself to draw. Best known for his wry political cartoons, Brick has been producing campaigning comics since the 1980s, mostly for pressure groups, trade unions and NGOs like UNICEF and Oxfam. An inveterate escapist, he became a regular contributor of humorous articles to adventure magazines and has two critically acclaimed travel books in his nom de plume, John Stuart Clark. After a couple of mega breakdowns (or maybe breakthroughs), he sought sanctuary in his first love and drew Depresso to make himself happy. The book is only vaguely autobiographical.