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Danish Folk Tales
Danish Folk Tales

Danish Folk Tales

By Svend-Erik Engh, Illustrated by Tea Bendix

Folk Tales


208 Pages, 5.08 x 7.8

Formats: Cloth, EPUB

Cloth, $24.99 (CA $33.99) (US $24.99)

Publication Date: April 2024

ISBN 9781803993669

Rights: US & CA

The History Press (Apr 2024)


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Stories and legends of Denmark’s land, sea and people

Read about the history, the landscapes stories and the fairy tales from Denmark from a storyteller that lived in the country for 59 years.

You will discover how the flat landscapes full of people inspired the folk of Denmark to tell stories of deep emotions and dark tragedies in the forests, in the marsh and at sea; how a queen was as mighty as the country itself and how that inspired a song; about how people of the flat land of Lolland in the south survived a flood with waves 3m high; and about creatures that lurk in the darkness of Denmark's hidden corners. 

Author Biography

Svend-Erick Engh was born in a suburban Copenhagen town and spent his youth making theatre. When he became a teacher in 1993, he discovered storytelling and has ever since been enchanted by stories. For ten years he took part in 'Stories under the tree', a storytelling event in the middle of Copenhagen. He has also given presentations for the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC. Professional storytelling took him first around Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the USA and, for the last six years, around Scotland. This is his tenth book.

Tea Bendix is a Copenhagen-based illustrator, an author of children's books and a graphic designer.