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Letras Nordicas


184 Pages, 6.7 x 7.5

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $26.00 (US $26.00) (CA $29.00)

Publication Date: September 2012

ISBN 9788492683857

Rights: US & CA

Nordica Libros (Sep 2012)

Not Yet Published. Estimated release date: September 2012


A collection of 12 stories by one of Sweden’s greatest literary figures, this book commemorates August Strindberg on the 100th anniversary of his death in 1912. The tales—some realistic, others satiric, all infused with a poetic language and evocative images—present the author at his humorous and playful best, capable of making the reader enjoy and learn from the morals in each of the stories. This beautifully illustrated collection is sure to appeal to readers of all ages. Una colección de 12 cuentos escritos por una de las figuras literarias más importantes de Suecia, este libro conmemora a August Strindberg en el centenario de su muerte en 1912. Las fábulas—algunas realistas, otras satíricas, todas imbuidas de un lenguaje poético y evocativas imágenes—muestran al autor en su estado más humorístico y divertido, capaz de hacer al lector disfrutar y aprender de las moralejas en todas los cuentos. Esta colección hermosamente ilustrada fascinará a lectores de cualquier edad.

Author Biography

August Strindberg was one of the leading playwrights of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, known for his expressionism and naturalism. He ranks among Sweden’s most famous literary figures and is best known for his plays The Father and Miss Julie. Thorsten Schonberg is an artist and an illustrator.